A Journey to Mountain Top

Surbhi A
1 min readFeb 25, 2023


A whim to climb a mountain alone,

Kindled a journey for my heart to behold

En Voyage I knew I won’t be alone,

For the Mountain and I were companions for the whole

Gazing at the mountain peak, my heart jittered and skipped a beat

Yet my ferocious companion had its own plans upbeat

Starting from Dusk to Dawn, my companion had its stories to drone on

Adding to colours for the stories, Sky had its hat on

With its enchanting anfractuous bends,

It enlivened in me the story of morale and dauntlessness

It asked me to take the next firm step,

Even if it meant to be a small step

Patience, Patience, Patience was the next story it had,

Striking my way when the climb continued its length

Be in the moment was the concluding story it told,

While we both stayed in stillness as the shining sun rose



Surbhi A
Surbhi A

Written by Surbhi A

Born with heart of a Traveller And Soul of a Nomad. With my journeys as my lessons, my experience as my teacher, I am a student of Life

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